Friday, June 22, 2012

Color Run - Just have to keep going...

I haven't posted up in a while, but I thought I'd post up some thoughts.  Tomorrow is the Color Run here in Tulsa.  I signed up for it over a month ago.  It's an untimed 5k, so it's not like I am out to break any records running it.  But I am just not motivated.  Over the last few weeks, my aches and pains have really crept up and I've been low on energy and not feeling real well... certainly not the norm for me.  In short, I am really just not feeling like running a race tomorrow.  But they say that this is the time that builds the most character.  Whatever.  I will be out there and I will run in it.  10,000 people will be running and I am willing to bet that I will STILL be the last one on the course.  But that's ok.  I may not feel good and I may be the last one, but I am still doing better than when I was still hobbling around on a cane.  So, it's early to bed for me tonight and up super-early in the morning so that I can get a decent parking space before all the hoopla begins.  Maybe I'll nap in my truck in my parking space...